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Rationale essay

Rationale essay

rationale essay

Apr 21,  · Scoring Rationale. This IELTS Writing Task 2 advantages and disadvantages sample essay is held to the same standards as any other Writing Task 2 essay. These standards are listed in the official rubric for IELTS Writing Task 2. If you read the level 9 description carefully and compare it to this essay, you should see the reasons it has a top score Oct 21,  · David Brock. Dear Commons Community, David Brock has a guest essay in today’s New York Times entitled, I was wrong about Donald Trump. Mr. Brock led one of the largest Democratic super PACs dedicated to defeating Donald Trump in the election Fundraising skills resume purpose of a conclusion in an essayDescribe your idea of the perfect job essay example of rationale for research paper, resume template personal trainer. 5 paragraph essay rubric template. Term papers on ethiopian stock market Cheapest writing essay

IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantage/Disadvantage Sample Essay -

I completed my associate degree three years ago, and as I am getting closer to the completion of my bachelors degree, my outlook now is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My goal is to complete a bachelor degree in Business, Rationale essay, and Economics with a concentration in Marketing, rationale essay, especially concentrating in markets for the multicultural segments in the United States, rationale essay.

As such, I have designed a concentration that interweaves those broader elements of culture how humans understand their worlds and the contexts in which they understand them with a study of different groups that represent major ethnic groups within the United States — after all this is the direction that this country is headed for.

Although I have changed my degree plan several times I seem to always come back to marketing, coupled with a focus on multicultural marketing. This country will continue to develop into a diverse society; it will be essential for companies that want to market their products to the diverse consumer to understand the various multicultural consumers in the U.

The information that I researched to work on my degree plan for marketing programs came from two different colleges. According rationale essay The University of San Francisco School of Business, business leaders need a sophisticated understanding of their target audiences — often multiple audiences with significant differences of race, culture, and, of course, rationale essay, gender.

The University of San Francisco Multicultural Marketing curriculum is designed to give the student the skills needed to market successfully to many demanding, though sometimes very subtly different cultural groups. Their multicultural marketing curriculum adds Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, and three courses dealing with culture to the standard expectations for a business degree.

Blending these with ESC guidelines, I have marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, and multiple courses that provide insight into different cultures e. Marketing communications or equivalent. Marketing research. Consumer behavior or buyer behavior. Marketing management or marketing strategy [s4]. I have introductory marketing from Colorado Technical University, and will take the Marketing Communications, Marketing Research, and Consumer Behavior courses at ESC.

Students should have an understanding of ethics, globalization, diversity and cross-cultural differences, rationale essay organizations. I have addressed the organizations guideline through my course in Organizational Behavior Principles. And I have addressed the guideline about diversity through my many courses dealing with culture.

I want to combine the more specific focus on marketing with a more general focus on ethnic groups and culture, or the context in which marketers operate. Although the courses that provide rationale essay ethnic and cultural perspectives are not in my concentration, they do provide important background for my concentration, given my goals to focus on marketing to diverse populations.

To provide historical, artistic, sociological, philosophical, and cross-cultural perspectives, rationale essay, I have included American Ethnic History, Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Television and Culture, American Ethnic History, Artistic Expression in a Multicultural America, and Cultural Anthropology. These courses will help fulfill my general goals of completing a bachelor degree in marketing, and gaining a focus to better understand ethnic rationale essay within the U.

Lastly, I have addressed the ESC General Business guidelines in my degree. These guidelines state that students need to show knowledge in the following: [s6].

This includes fulfilling the minimum rationale essay education requirement as stated by SUNY. Recommended studies could include: statistics, psychology, sociology, rationale essay, oral and written communications. These types of studies are important so students are prepared to understand consumers, the market, and to be able to present and communicate well with clients.

I have these important background studies in my degree: statistics, rationale essay, sociology, and communications courses. I have also addressed the SUNY General Education guidelines in my overall degree plan, rationale essay.

Many of my general education courses helped to create my liberal arts associate degree. I have covered nine of the ten general education areas rationale essay over 50 credits of general education. I have always considered myself to be a creative individual who devises situations that will enable me to express myself.

The ability to effectively communicate with my colleagues through written communication, and to use computer application programs to heighten my presentations, rationale essay, the understanding of the specific demographics that we need to reach, and rationale essay the proper marketing plan to implement will all collectively aid in my ability to develop a successful professional career in marketing.

The decision to attend SUNY Empire Online may not perhaps be the most rationale essay method, but was by-far the best decision to complete my education. In certainty, having the knowledge and fortitude to successfully move up the ladder to a career that I rationale essay enjoy for many years to come was my motivation.

Currently, at my job there will be tremendous opportunities for growth in the multi-cultural communities in the California regions; this coupled with an Empire State College Business Degree with a concentration in Marketing will enable me to be more competitive as I strive to climb the ladder of success. Comment [s1]: The student provides personal reasons that motivated her to complete a degree.

Comment [s2]: The student clearly states her Area of Study and Concentration. Additionally, she indicates briefly how she has individualized her concentration by focusing on multicultural marketing. The rest of this paragraph deals with her educational goals. Comment [s3]: The student offers her research, rationale essay, providing evidence that the concentration she designed is academically valid.

Because ESC guidelines deal with marketing concentrations in general, and do not specifically include information about multicultural marketing concentrations, the student researched another college that did offer that focus.

The rest of this section presents her research and conclusions based on that research. Comment [s4]: The student clearly refers to the ESC Rationale essay of Study Guidelines and shows in this section how she has addressed those expectations in her concentration.

Comment [s5]: The student explains her individualized focus here, and talks about how courses in her general learning support and integrate with her concentration courses. Comment [s6]: The student explains how she has addressed the general business guidelines as well as the specific concentration guidelines.

Both general and specific guidelines are important, as each one identifies somewhat different areas of skills and knowledge that are expected in this type of degree.

Comment [s7]: Here the student rationale essay briefly on the importance of certain liberal arts courses to marketing professionals. Comment [s8]: The student explains briefly how she is fulfilling the SUNY General Education Requirement. Comment [s9]: The student briefly explains her research into potential career paths, conducted through interviews with professionals at her current place of employment.

She reflects on how she has developed important skills related to these career paths. Comment [s10]: A nice way to close, as this last paragraph parallels the thoughts in the introduction. The student clearly states her Area of Study and Concentration.

The student offers her research, providing evidence that the concentration she designed is academically valid. The student clearly refers to the ESC Area of Study Guidelines and shows in this section how she has addressed those expectations in her concentration, rationale essay.

The rationale essay explains her individualized focus here, and talks about how courses in her general learning support and integrate with her concentration courses. The student explains how she has addressed the general rationale essay guidelines as well as the specific concentration guidelines. Here the student reflects briefly on the importance of certain liberal arts courses to marketing professionals.

The student briefly explains her research into potential career paths, conducted through interviews with professionals at her current place of employment. See the associated degree program plan, rationale essay. Degree Annotated Rationale Essay SAMPLE Introduction I rationale essay my associate degree three rationale essay ago, rationale essay, and as I am getting closer to the completion of my bachelors degree, my outlook now is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Marketing communications or equivalent 2. Marketing research 3. Consumer rationale essay or buyer behavior 4. These guidelines state that students need to show knowledge in the following: [s6] Communication skills — I have courses in Communications for Professionals and Interpersonal and Small Group Communications, rationale essay. Information management — I have a course in Information Design and I have extensive knowledge utilizing an information system designed to disseminate information at my workplace.

Economics — I have a course in Principles of Economics 2. Ethical and social responsibility — My course in Marketing Communications has a strong focus on ethics in marketing. Quantitative skills — I have courses in Statistics: An Activity Based Approach and Marketing Research, rationale essay. Understanding people in an organizational context — I have courses in Organizational Behavior Principles and Managing Human Resources. Additional courses such as Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective provide deeper understanding of people in an organizational context.

Understanding organizations within broader contexts — I have courses in Marketing and the Virtual Marketplace and E-Business. My extensive experience working in a large non-profit organization, along with my courses dealing with various cultures, creates a good understanding of organizations within a broader context.

The student provides personal reasons that motivated her to complete a degree. The student explains briefly how she is fulfilling the SUNY General Education Requirement.

A nice way to close, as this last paragraph parallels the thoughts in the introduction.

How to write a research rationale for history

, time: 4:40

David Brock Essay – I Was Wrong About Donald Trump! | Tony's Thoughts

rationale essay

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